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Regardless of new technologies and the use of built-in flashlights in mobile phones, the old classics in this matter always remain in the priority. Flashlight is a must for tourism, minor repairs, and any action in low light or at night.

Types of flashlights

Depending on the scope of use and personal preferences, you can buy flashlight of these types :

  • Flashlight-keychain: a compact version of the flashlight, which can be attached to the keys. More often such a flashlight cannot be called powerful, but it suffices to achieve certain goals (for example, to illuminate the keyhole). Value for money in this case fully justifies itself.
  • Headlamp is very comfortable, since it frees both hands and does not interfere with work. Previously it was used only by miners and builders. Now they use it even while riding a bicycle.
  • Hand lamp is the most common type of flashlight. There may be different types, shapes, power, depending on batteries. The choice depends entirely on tactile sensations.
  • Lamp-flashlight is portable, often used in tourism. Has a handle for easy carrying, hanging. There are also more decorative views.
  • Specialized flashlights (for diving, tactical lights, bicycles) - designed for use in narrow specializations.
  • Working flashlights are used for night work or in low light conditions. Such situations are uncommon for pilots, so the flashlight should always be at hand.

Flashlight technical characteristics

The main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying a flashlight are:

  • Convenience (ways to turn on/off, dimensions).
  • Luminous flux (light intensity).
  • The distance of the beam (at what distance it shines).
  • Operating time.
  • Body strength (impact resistance, water resistance).
  • Battery type (batteries, built-in battery, charging methods).
  • Functionality (several modes of operation if necessary).
  • External properties (material, shape, color).
  • Dimensions (length, girth, weight).
  • Optional accessories (carrying case, lanyard).

Where to buy a flashlight in Kiev

The most current types of flashlights and affordable prices are collected on the website of the aviation online store Crew Shop. Sale and delivery are carried out in Kiev and Ukraine. If you want to please a person close to you, a quality flashlight for personal or professional use is ideal as a gift.

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