Features of Jacket P.J. GENERAL AVIATION Design 4 pilotsThis sporting, elegant pilot jacket is made of breathable softshell fabric incl. high visibility vest. The jacket sits well on the shoulders and includes the following characteristics:high quality softshell fabricwindproofwaterproof incl. ..
4152.00 грн
B-3 Shearling Bomber Jacket descriptionThe iconic US pilot jacket is designed for bomber flight crews that participated in World War II. They were flying high above at altitude characterized by severe frost. Flight B-3 Shearling Bomber Jackets saved the crew from hypothermia and cold..
48200.00 грн 53500.00 грн
Классическая авиационная куртка образца 1931 г. для ВВС США, производство U.S.WINGS Два внешних кармана на кнопках, два боковых входа для рукВнутри два кармана по бокам и карман для двух ручек-карандашейТрикотажные манжеты и пояс, отложной воротник на кнопках, простроченные погоны, надежная мет..
19043.00 грн
USN Nomex® Shipboard Jacket was designed after the attack on the USS Cole in 2000. It is an original government issued thing. This flame resistant and multi-functional jacket had to be kept on shipboard. That's why it's called a Shipboard Jacket. In June 2014 it became a standard issued ja..
13323.00 грн