Elegant, high quality kneeboard is made from eco-friendly leather for iPhone 6&7 and 6s. Features a wide Velcro strap, holding clip, elastic penholder and a metal fixture for our PILOT CONTROLLER KIT.In addition to the strap the anti-sliding bars provide very good stability.Inside, the kneeboard..
This elegant and high quality A5 kneeboard is made from eco-friendly leather. It also gives you a wide Velcro strap with anti-sliding bars for stability, holding clip and elastic penholders and socket for a stop watch from the PILOT CONTROLLER KIT.On the back there is also a place for a spare pen.Th..
The PICCOLO PROFI in DIN A-6 format is made from eco-friendly leather and has the same features as the kneeboard Pilot PROFI.For those who are short of space in the cockpit but do not want to miss out on all the features of the PROFI, this is the perfect kneeboard. Despite its size it also includes ..
This elegant and very high quality A5 kneeboard is made from eco-friendly leather, with a wide Velcro strap with anti-sliding bars for stability, holding clip, two elastic penholders and socket for a stop watch from the PILOT CONTROLLER KIT.The “Profi” kneeboard has a ring mechanism on the right – w..
For those who are short of space in the cockpit, but still don’t want to do without a good kneeboard, this is for you.Despite its size our smallest kneeboard has all the features as its bigger brother. From the wide Velcro tape fixing, anti-sliding bars through to the stable holding clip and socket ..
Простой и компактный планшет Pilot:размер 11 х 18,5 смплотная поверхность удобна для письмаверхняя металлическая клипса для фиксации документов3 слота для ручеккрепится на колено с помощью крепкой контактной ленты с липучкойЦвет: черныйМатериал: заменитель кожиНЕТ В НАЛИЧИИ..
Наколенный планшет "Deluxe Lighted Kneeboard" был принят на вооружение ВВС и ВМС из-за его высокой надежности, качества и легкости. Широкий эластичный ремешок, дно из нескользящего покрытия, и закругленные углы позволяют комфортного использовать этот планшет в любых условиях полета. Люкс модель име..