Premium Epaulets 4 Nylon Gold Stripes (Yellow Mat) descriptionPilot epaulets "Premium Epaulets 4 Nylon Gold Stripes on Black" will perfectly emphasize the exclusiveness of your uniform. Epaulets are made of durable fabric which is hard to make dirty and easy to clean. They have bright yellow str..
1,025.00 грн
Pilot epaulets, 3 stripes (Yellow mat) tightly fit a shirtDurable and resistant mat yellow fibre One side of an epaulet is narrower than another to pin it steadily..
1,025.00 грн
612.00 грн
Features of AIRLINER pilot suitcase AIRLINER pilot suitcase, which is made out of durable nylon fiber, is very light and perfect for short trips and work flights. Its elegant and stylish design was developed in conjunction with aviation professionals and fully complies with their functionality req..
7,468.00 грн
1,025.00 грн
1,025.00 грн
1,025.00 грн