Painting canvas, oil, average size 40 x 60 cm, writing time about 2 months, advance 50% before the start of work, settlement after completion of work.You can get the picture both in the store for pickup and delivery by Novaya Poshta...
Painting canvas, oil, average size 40 x 60 cm, writing time about 2 months, advance 50% before the start of work, settlement after completion of work.You can get the picture both in the store for pickup and delivery by Novaya Poshta..
Painting canvas, oil, average size 40 x 60 cm, writing time about 2 months, advance 50% before the start of work, settlement after completion of work.You can get the picture both in the store for pickup and delivery by Novaya Poshta...
С уважением к серебряному веку авиации "Фабрика бумажных самолетиков" выпустила лимитированную серию прекрасных рекламных постеров 1930-1940х годов известных тогда авиакомпаний Pan American, Imperial Airways и Qantas Empire Airways.Аккуратно отреставрированное фабрикой с нечетких диапозито..