Features of David Clark DC H3312 headset.The headset has a stylish brand-name design David Clark and many functions that are useful for the pilot during the control of the aircraft. It is perfectly suitable for aviators that work in conditions of loud background noise due to a dynamic microp..
22,567.00 грн
A bag for storing a headset with the David Clark logo. Made of ballistic nylon. Two separate pockets on a lightning in front and one pocket behind, for the small tablet or the book.Buy a bag for headset David ClarkYou can buy a bag for David Clark's headset in the crew-shop.com.ua online store, whic..
1,245.00 грн
33,495.00 грн
Беспроводной шлюз предназначен для передачи аудио сигнала между носимой станцией на ремне и интерфоном воздушного судна. Для разговора с кабиной достаточно нажать кнопку.Обеспечивает Hands free интерком связь на 100 метров от Wireless ретранслятора.Автоматическое подключение к ретранслятору происход..
483.00 грн
27,598.00 грн
15,605.00 грн